Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh for the love of god

Deanna Favre, (pictured driving a lawnmower, presumably because she needs the vibration to make up for where Brett lacks proper equipment) was at "Good Morning America" today, promoting her book? It seems like it may be poor timing , you know, because her husband is making national media for allegedly sending a picture message of his penis. She didn't address the incident directly but simply said:
   "I'm a woman of faith And faith has gotten me    through many difficult struggles. It will get me through this one" (abcnews)

I must have missed the part in the bible where it said thou shalt forgive thy spouse for allegedly texting thine junk. At any rate it seems as though she's gonna put up with more of Brett's bullshit, hopefully all that praying pays off for her. 

As for that Casanova Brett Favre, if he actually did do this we can only wonder how many times he's tried this little move. In the world of future hall of fame quarterbacks it may be an accepted practice to leave creepy voicemails and send even creepier pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I would just like to say that Jenn Sterger is an American-hero for exposing Brett Favre for exposing himself. Thank you, Jenn... you upstanding fvcking whore. Every Sunday we get to see you perform your "job" which consists of wearing skin-tight spandex and pumping up the fans. Thank you for ruining Favre's marriage because he did what any weak, horny male would do.

    You're job is to be a hot piece of ass... so don't pretend to be a classy lady who is offen ded when youre strickening every Jets fan's cock with rigomortous. Whore. Oh yeah, and I dont even like Favre.
